Python has several built-in data types, which are commonly used in Python programming. Here are some of the most common ones:


Python supports three types of numbers - integer, float, and complex.

  • Integer: These are whole numbers, positive or negative, without decimals. Example: 5, -3, 0
  • Float: These are real numbers with a decimal point. Example: 3.14, -0.01, 9.0
  • Complex: These are numbers with a real and imaginary component. Example: 3+4j, 5j
# Examples of number data types
x = 5  # integer
y = 3.14  # float
z = 3+4j  # complex


Strings in Python are sequences of characters. They are created by enclosing characters in quotes. Python treats single quotes and double quotes as the same.

# Examples of string data type
str1 = "Hello, World!"  # string with double quotes
str2 = 'Hello, Python!'  # string with single quotes


A list in Python is a collection of items. Lists are ordered, changeable, and allow duplicate values. Lists are written with square brackets.

# Example of list data type
my_list = ["apple", "banana", "cherry"]


A tuple in Python is similar to a list. The difference between the two is that tuples are immutable, which means we cannot change the elements of a tuple once it is assigned.

# Example of tuple data type
my_tuple = ("apple", "banana", "cherry")


A dictionary in Python is an unordered collection of items. Each item of a dictionary has a key/value pair.

# Example of dictionary data type
my_dict = {"name": "John", "age": 30, "city": "New York"}


In Python, Booleans represent one of two values: True or False.

# Examples of boolean data type
is_true = True
is_false = False